Extract all the juice from data

Very often, clear trends and phenomena can only be detected when combining observations. This is the reason why the EU Pollinator Hub aims to centralise and harmonise the largest possible amount of field data related to pollinators. Analysing and visualising the shared data will help understand the status of pollinators all over Europe.

In addition, Data Providers sharing their data in the EU Pollinator Hub profit from the arsenal of data visualisation and reporting possibilities integrated into the Hub. Do you have specific visualisations and reporting needs outside of the available templates?

Just contact us, and we will see how to help!

Static graphics

Depending on your data, the EU Pollinator Hub proposes Data Providers a set of options to select the graph that betters adapts to their needs.

Dynamic graphics

Because sometimes historical, geographical or other trends are better shown in a dynamic format. We propose you some options to get attractive visualisation of your data. 

Data Reporting

Data Providers sharing their data with the EU Pollinator Hub can also generate reports on their data. Try our reporting features and get appealing static and dynamic reports for your work and leisure time. 

In non pulvinar purus curabitur nisi odio vel

Vivamus id gravida mi, nec ullamcorper purus. Suspendisse ut nibh sagittis lacus viverra aliquam. Praesent ac lobortis mauris, non imperdiet quam. Praesent laoreet elit nisi, id feugiat ante accumsan sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec

Curabitur fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat. Duis ut hendrerit tellus, elementum lacinia elit. Maecenas at consectetur ex, vitae consequat augue. Vivamus eget dolor vel quam condimentum sodales. In bibendum odio urna, sit amet fermentum purus venenatis amet.